Breast reduction, also known as reduction mastopexy, a reduction of mammoplasty and / or more commonly known as a breast reduction, it’s a surgical procedure aimed at decreasing the size of the breasts, including the removal of fat, breast tissue and also skin, making them smaller, lighter and firmer; as well the size of the areola can be reduced. Women who have large breasts can have a number of problems due to excessive weight, such as cervical and back pain, irritations in the submammary furrow and even respiratory problems. So with this procedure those physical problem can be solved more than an aesthetic problem, many women who undergo this surgery are worried about the excessive volume of their chest that interferes with many activities and causes physical discomfort. In our Aesthetic Surgery Clinic in Malaga center, we take care of everything.

Before the surgery
In the first consultation, the doctors will evaluate the shape and size of the breasts, the firmness of the skin and their state of health. You must express your expectations sincerely, so that the plastic surgeon will show you all of the alternatives available for your problem. The different surgical techniques will be explained, the shape and size of your breasts and the options or the combination of procedures that may be beneficial for you will be discussed.
During surgery
The mammary reduction surgery is performed in an operating room, in a clinic or hospital. It is necessary to be admitted at least 24 hours before your surgery. The surgery is performed under general anesthesia, and the patient remains asleep during the surgery.
Breast reduction surgery lasts approximately 3 hours. There are several techniques, but usually the incisions are shaped like an anchor or inverted T placed around the areola, in a vertical line down from the areola and in a horizontal line in the submammary groove. Through these incisions the fat and the necessary breast tissue are extracted and the skin is reduced. The areola and nipple are repositioned in a new position. In most cases the areola stays attached to its blood vessels and nerves, maintaining the moon’s sensibility practically normal, but in cases of very large breasts with large reductions it is necessary to completely separate the areola and locate it elsewhere, losing sensitivity . After surgery, drains and a bandage or bra are placed around the breasts.
After surgery
After surgery it is normal to feel somewhat tired for a few days, but you can return to your daily life routine almost normal at 48-72 hours. Most discomfort is well controlled with medication, although the breasts may hurt for two weeks; after breast reduction your first menstrual cycle can make the breasts hurt and swell. During the weeks following the surgery you must wear a special bra. In the nipples there may be a burning sensation for a few days; In addition to a decreased sensation in the nipples, this situation is usually temporary. The breasts may be somewhat swollen one or two months following the surgery.
Frequently asked questions
You can return to your normal daily routine within 2 weeks, although a few days after surgery you can make almost normal life. You should limit heavy physical activities for a few weeks. For first 2 weeks after surgery it is recommended to avoid sexual intercourse, that will allow the incisions are not inflamed; and for 4 or 6 weeks avoid intense physical contact of the breasts.
It is normal for small scabs or a little fluid to appear through the incisions during the first few weeks. Your plastic surgeon will see you during the months following the surgery to evaluate recovery.
In this surgery scars are necessary (around the areola, vertical and horizontal in the groove under the breast), at first these scars will be more noticeable but with care and time the incisions scars will diminish and fade.
Breast reduction is a technique that is not simple but is very safe if performed by a qualified plastic surgeon.
The breast reduction leaves visible scars, although easily concealed under the bra or bikini. The problems resulting from scarring are much more frequent in smokers. Some patients may experience a partial, and even total, decrease in nipple sensitivity. Also after a breast reduction, the capacity for breastfeeding may be affected.
As in any intervention, there is always the possibility of complications such as bruising, infection and complications arising from anesthesia.
Once the stitches are removed and the wound healed, there is no contraindication to going to the beach. The most important thing is to protect yourself from the sun so that there are no traces of scars.
There is no contraindication to having a mammogram after a breast reduction, although the patient must notify the radiologist of surgeries that the patient has had in its medical history.