Blepharoplasty, commonly known as eyelid surgery, is a procedure to remove fat and excess skin and muscle from the upper and lower eyelids. The blepharoplasty is aimed at correcting the fall of the upper eyelids and lower bags, these characteristics make us look tired and older than we are and can even interfere with vision. However, it is important to know that blepharoplasty does not eliminate the “crow’s feet” or other wrinkles or the fall of the eyebrows. In our Aesthetic Surgery Clinic in the heart of Malaga we advise you without compromise.

Before the surgery
In the first consultation the surgeons will evaluate the vision and the production of tears, as well as their general state of health. In this consultation you will be informed about issues such as the different techniques that can be used, the type of anesthesia and where the surgery will be performed, the risks of the intervention. The possibility of operating the four eyelids, the lower ones or the upper ones and if it is necessary to associate some other procedure will be discussed.
During surgery
Blepharoplasty is performed in the operating room, in a clinic or hospital. Depending on the anesthesia used, you can leave in a few hours after surgery. It can be done with local anesthesia and sedation (only the area that is operated on is put to sleep and a tranquilizing medication is given to the patient), or with general anesthesia (the patient will be asleep).
The intervention usually lasts between one and two hours. If the four eyelids are going to be made, it usually starts with the upper ones. The incisions are tried to be placed in the natural folds of the upper eyelids and just below the eyelashes in the lower ones. Through these incisions the skin is separated from the fat and muscle, removing the excess of these. The incisions are closed with very fine suture threads.
After surgery
After the surgery, an ointment will be applied to the eyes to lubricate them, and in some cases, a soft bandage with local cold. It is normal to have discomfort on the eyelids, these discomforts are softened with the medication prescribed by the surgeon. The first few days it is advisable to sleep with your head a little high to reduce inflammation, likewise you can reduce this swelling with cold compresses. In the first weeks, you may have a greater tearing than usual, hypersensitivity to light and may also suffer from blurred or double vision. Points are usually removed between 5 and 7 days.
Frequent questions
The ideal candidates to undergo a blepharoplasty are those people who seek improvement, and not absolute perfection, in their appearance. If you have a psychological stability and a good state of health, in addition to realistic expectations, will be a good candidate. There are some medical situations that can cause more risk when performing a blepharoplasty, such as thyroid problems, lack of enough tears, and other diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure. Glaucoma and retinal detachment can also pose a risk; in certain cases, an ophthalmological examination prior to blepharoplasty may be necessary.
In addition to those mentioned above, if you wear contact lenses, you will not be able to wear them until 2 weeks and, even then, it is usually uncomfortable. Most patients start reading or watching television after 2 or 3 days. It is usually back to work or a week or 10 days. If you have small bruises, they can be disguised with makeup. It is advisable not to sunbathe without sunscreen or sunglasses for a few weeks.
The scars may have a pink hue during the first months. From there, the scars will gradually fade into a small, almost invisible line. In many cases the results are permanent.