Breast augmentation
In our Aesthetic Surgery Clinic in Malaga we offer our clients Breast augmentation treatment: augmentation mammoplasty, more commonly known as breast augmentation, a surgical procedure to improve the breast size and shape of the breast. The surgery involves placing of silicone prosthesis under the patient’s chest. This type of intervention can be useful to improve the silhouette of the woman with the following characteristics; small breasts, reduction of breast size that occurs after some pregnancies, to correct a difference size between both breasts or as a reconstructive procedure after total mastectomy of breast surgery.

Before the surgery
During the first consultation, our medical team will evaluate the size and shape of the breasts, the firmness of the skin and your general status of your health. The different surgical techniques will be explained, as in the size and shape of your breasts options or combination of procedures that are best for the patient. It is very important that the patient explains her expectations in a sincere and frank manner, so that the plastic surgeons have a clear and complete understanding of the patient’s wishes.
During the surgery
Breast surgery should be performed in a prepared operating room, either in a hospital or clinic. Breast augmentation surgery is performed under general anesthesia, meaning, the patient will remain asleep during the procedure. At the Tebon clinic, we recommend at least one day of admission to the hospital after this surgery.
For the introduction of the breast prosthesis, it is necessary to make a small incision in the skin of about 4-5 cm (depending on the size of the prosthesis it may be larger or smaller). This can be made in the sub mammary groove of the breast or around the areola. Depending on the anatomy of the patient and their wishes, our doctors will advise the best way. Through this incision the breast tissue is lifted and a pocket is created for the introduction of the prosthesis, which can be placed above or below the pectoral muscle. The choice of each case will depend on multiple factors, such as type of chest of the patient or the physical activity performed. Drainage tubes are placed that will be removed in a few days and a dressing or bandage over the breasts. The procedure usually takes between 1 and 2 hours.
After surgery
After breast augmentation surgery, as with all surgeries, it is normal for the patient to experience fatigue for the first couple of days, but you will be able to resume some normal activities within a few days of the surgery.
Resting your arms and limited activity is recommended during the first week, this is necessary for the prosthesis to heal correctly in place. The pain a patient may possibly feel after surgery is well controlled with medication prescribed by our plastic surgeons. There is always minor discomfort for several weeks after any type of surgery.
The bandages will be removed in a few days, and will be replaced by a special bra, which must be worn a minimum at all times during the first month. It is normal to have a burning sensation in the nipples during the first two weeks. The stitches are resorbable, although they dissolve sometimes they have to be removed around 10-15 days, while the swelling from the surgery can take several weeks to completely disappear.
After a breast augmentation you can return to work in a few days, depending on the activity you perform. Follow the instructions of your surgeons about what exercises you can perform. You should avoid gaining weight at least one month after surgery. Your breasts will be more sensitive than normal for 2 to 3 weeks and the scars will improve throughout the first year.
The follow up visits will be scheduled by our team of plastic surgeons.
Frequently ask questions
Breast augmentation surgery is a safe technique, as long as it is performed by a qualified plastic surgeon. However, there can be complications and risk with any type of surgery.
The most frequent complication is capsular contracture, which occurs when the internal scar that forms around the implant contracts excessively, causing the breast to become harder. Sometimes it is very mild and does not require treatment. In others instances, it may be necessary to remove the internal scar, and even to replace the implants.
Another complication is the formation of a hematoma (a bleeding that can occur in any type of surgery), which only in specific cases requires a new intervention to eliminate accumulated blood. To prevent this problem, our surgeons will often put drains in the operating room if they see it necessary.
A small percentage of women may have an infection around the prosthesis, usually in the first weeks after surgery, which can be treated and resolved with antibiotic treatment.
It is extraordinarily rare that the prosthesis can break, causing the content to come out of its capsule. The patient does not have to notice any symptoms for it. This is not an emergency that requires urgent surgery, but it will be necessary to replace the implants.
There is no contraindication to having a mammogram carrying breast implants, although the patient must notify the radiologist that she has breast implants before the test.
After the surgery you will notice discomfort in the chest, but the pain is manageable with the analgesic medication prescribed during the hospital admission, and later with the oral measurement that our surgeons will prescribe at discharge. Within a week of surgery, most patients notice very little discomfort and that goes away with time
Every surgical procedure necessarily involves the need to create scars. In the case of breast augmentation, these are minimal: in the case of the incision in the groove, the scar will be hidden under the breast; and in the periareolar incision, the scar will remain hidden around the areola.
At the Tebon Clinic we use high quality prostheses. Our team will inform you of the different types of prostheses that exist and which is best for your case.
There is no expiration date for the high quality prosthetics that we use in the Tebon Clinic. Our recommendation is to perform control image tests (ultrasound, resonance …) after 10 years of surgery to see the status of the implants. If there are no signs of breakage and you do not have any symptoms, it is not necessary to replace the prosthesis.
After a breast augmentation there is no problem getting pregnant or breastfeeding a baby. The incision in the submammary furrow is the most indicated in case of wanting to breastfeed a child, since it fully respects the mammary gland.
Once the stitches are removed, there is no contraindication to go to the beach. The most important thing is to protect yourself from the sun so that the scars leave as little scar as possible. The scars of a breast augmentation are usually small and hidden under the submammary furrow, which protects them even more from sun exposure. However, put full sunscreen on the scars until one year after the intervention.
The return to work date will depend on the work you do. The first week we always recommend resting at home with minimal physical activity. For the second and third week, it will depend on the physical aspect of your work: for example, if your job requires for you to have to carry boxes or lifting, our recommendation is to recover for a month before starting work.
After breast augmentation surgery, it is best to sleep on your back with the headboard of the bed somewhat elevated for at least the first two weeks, although we recommend at least a month. This position will protect you from possible nocturnal movements and will decrease inflammation faster. Every other sleeping position i.e., sideways or on your chest can cause unwanted movements of the prosthesis as well as the wear, especially the first weeks.
There is no contraindication to being able to travel with breast prostheses.