The surgery of change of sex of man to woman, technically called feminizing vaginoplasty, is performed in patients who need a gender reassignment. Our surgeons have been trained in the Regional Hospital of Malaga, national reference center in public health for this type of surgery.

Before the surgery
The surgeon will evaluate your personalized case and perform a scan, explaining the surgical options in detail. The day before surgery is necessary to take a special diet that will be indicated.
During surgery
The surgery is performed in hospital, under general anesthesia and lasts about 4 hours. The technique that is performed is removal of both testicles, amputation of the penis and creation of a new vagina with the skin of the penis and inverted scrotum, this is the technique that we consider safer and with fewer complications. A new sensitive clitoris is created with part of the glans.
After surgery
The admission is one week in which you have to rest, a bladder catheterization that you have to have for about 2-3 weeks.
Frequently asked questions
It is advisable to withdraw the treatment 3 weeks before and 3 weeks after surgery to reduce the risk of episodes of deep vein thrombosis.
The depth of the vagina will be the result of several factors, including the size of the skin of the penis.
Usually when the wounds heal, about 4 weeks after surgery.